About me


I am a PhD student in the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Purdue University, under the guidance of Dr. Christopher Brinton. I am broadly interested in natural language processing (vision-to-language applications and efficient language modeling), machine learning (federated learning and meta-learning), and AI applications for social good. My current research centers around: (1) observing insights into pre-training and initialization for federated learning, (2) understanding the possibility of federated learning in the multi-lingual scenario, and (3) mitigating prediction biases for under-represented minorities in student modeling. During my PhD study, I have had the pleasure of doing my research internship at Microsoft Research, where I was fortunate to work on entity-centric headline generation.

Before joining Purdue, I was a a full-time NLP research assistant in Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis (NLPSA) Lab at Academia Sinica supervised by Dr. Lun-Wei Ku. My research at NLPSA included vision-to-language projects, such as visual storytelling and video question answering. Prior to that, I got a master’s degree in Electrical and Control Engineering at National Chiao Tung University and did graduate research with Prof. Bing-Fei Wu on image-based heart rate detection.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research or have any questions. I am more than happy to hear from you!

[RESUME] and [CV]